Lister Hospital

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Raskolnikov B
56 month ago
Bloody good idea this place. It’s socialised welfare apparently. One of my faves, created in just 5 mins after the war on the back of a fag packet by Bevin! Who needs think tanks! Well done Britons
Josie C
101 month ago
The multistorey will destroy your car: spaces are too small, corners too tight, and the side bars too low and long for your mirrors. A better alternative is street parking if you can get it.
Neale S
115 month ago
Good parking. Excellent A&E dept. But very confusing finding your way about. Especially for SSU.
118 month ago
Big and stressful with long queues for pharmacy and pathology. The ticket system is good though! Cafe is great but usually crowded. No signal!
Usha L
134 month ago
Car Park is a welcomed addition, but whoever designed the tight spaces needs to be given a big slap!! Also watch out for the low level barriers which help to gauge big chunks out of your car.
137 month ago
The kids playroom is fantastic, wide range of books, toys, dressing up and a pool table. Staff are fantastic .
John B
147 month ago
The pay and display at the hotel/restaurant is cheaper than they try to rob you for at the hospital car park AND they don't mind you being there
Roy B
150 month ago
Parking isn't so bad especially with the new multi-storey car park. There's a Mr. Bean look-a-like in clinic d!
Neil T
153 month ago
New car park opened! Loads of spaces in a multi storey.
simon g
153 month ago
New carpark is open, much better now