Bai Sao

Berdasar pada 10 ulasan


Ólafur P
86 month ago
The beach was clean (april), not crowded. Amazing clear water and white sand beach. Picture perfect.
Francesca S
97 month ago
Best beach of the island. It was clean with turquoise water and white sand.
Marco M
98 month ago
Arrived ~1030 am and north end of beach was clean. I chose Paradiso for chair, drinks and food but people can just bring their own towels and lay out. There is a pomelo vendor by north end of beach
Dila A
100 month ago
such a heaven,still not ruined by big tourist groups. you can go by taxi, dont need to bring food and water cuz there is a place you can eat and drink, rent sunbeds and umbrella.
Alexey N
101 month ago
Многолюдно на белом песке. Долгий и пологий заход в грязное море. Очень зелено на засраном отходами берегу. Много разных и вкусных, дорогих кафе. Лежаки есть свободные, потому что они деревянные)
Ron N
103 month ago
The beach is great with a nice breath of wind. But it's just sad to see trash everywhere.
Nigel C
108 month ago
Beautiful white sand beach with clear water, but need 10,000 Vietnamese Dong (around US 50¢) to go to the bathroom
Игорь В
113 month ago
Пляж действительно белоснежный, но не всегда спокойное море и мелко. Кафе есть и не плохой выбор блюд, но больше нравиться спокойное море и чистая глубокая вода
Hải N
131 month ago
Take a boat to Bai Khem and eat seafood at Binh Minh restaurant, especially foreigner because you are not allowed to go there by any means of transportation except for boat.
146 month ago
Самый прекрасный и красивейший пляж на острове! Белоснежный песок, теплая бирюзовая вода и вкуснейшая еда в кафе и ресторанах. Если хотите сделать фотографии в стиле "баунти", то вам строго сюда!!!
  • Phu Quoc, Phu Quoc island, Vietnam, Vietnam, GPS: 10.055817,104.03579