Mũi Né Sand Dunes

Berdasar pada 10 ulasan


Courtney L
62 month ago
Come in the morning! Beautiful
Dave M
70 month ago
It looks a lot easier than it really is. Sledding down the dunes is really fun, but walking back up totally sucks. 2 steps up, slide back one. ATV’s are a blast but are easy to get stuck - keep going!
Ashley D
77 month ago
Large sand dunes overlooking the small fishing town of Mui Né. Park in a small cafe opposite and have a coffee before scaling the dunes. Don’t bother renting a sledge they don’t work. Just run around!
Ong C
88 month ago
need to watch up and take care of own wallet while playing sand sliding....and careful with guarding here... **important, check ur wallet every time after slide
Babi D
89 month ago
It's such a beautiful scenery.
90 month ago
Ignore the people renting u plastic sliders - most don't work. Just walk barefoot in the sand and watch the sunset. Careful of touts
Tanim H
95 month ago
The white sand dunes is nice... Clean and the ATV's r real fun... This is easily the best attraction of Mui ne
114 month ago
Beautiful, just a shame about the quads at the White dunes destroying the peace and quiet! Red dunes are a bit average!
Ivan K
123 month ago
Смотреть особо не на что, просто горы чуть красновато песка в виде дюн, сильный ветер и куча детей, предлагающих куски пластика для катания с этих горок
Sarah L
131 month ago
White sands dunes is a must see! If you want to ride down the dunes, go to the red dunes; at the white dunes, you can ride motorbikes to go up. If you dont have time, def go for the white dunes.
  • Mũi Né, Vietnam, GPS: 10.947855,108.29761