Fairy Stream

Berdasar pada 10 ulasan


Anastasija B
63 month ago
There are some drinks and snacks stalls along the stream. As well as toilets. Very convenient indeed. Nice place.
Dave M
70 month ago
Really awesome. A tiny 2” deep stream with desert on one bank and a jungle on the other. A great walk up the steam with amazing views.
78 month ago
В одном из кафе вдоль ручья, есть небольшой зоопарк, вход за любой заказ(мы брали кокос-30.000vnd) и в целом там приятно. А еще можно прокатиться на страусе-100.000Vnd. Больше вИнстаграмм@Myatamyatnay
Ayu A
81 month ago
Beautiful place and very refreshing for leisure walk. But we expect to see more tho. It'll be a great place for those who has kids as they get to enjoy the scenery and play with the stream.
Sean W
81 month ago
Walk in the water, enjoy the unique view, if you need a rest there is coconut booth that you can sit in the water under the tree shade.
Andis Z
89 month ago
Actually this is the best sightseeing place around Mui Ne. Totally must! And climb this rock for perfect view
Yulya R
102 month ago
Если хочется найти хорошее место для тихой прогулки, то ручей Фей подходит лучше всего. Не ждите потрясающихся воображение красот, просто шлепайте по воде босиком и наслаждайтесь атмосферой.
Dima S
113 month ago
Не стоит ходить сюда в сильный ветер. С холмов метёт песок так, что засыпает и глаза и фотокамеры. В кафешках по пути можно отведать сок кокосов, 20000 донгов. В самом конце пути живописный водопад.
kumi m
121 month ago
worth a quick trip if you're in the area - especially after a day of visiting other near by attractions since you get to walk in the cool water!
Karla I
135 month ago
You have to walk barefoot in the stream so bring at extra tote so you can carry your slippers or shoes around. Just say no to the kids asking if you need a tour guide they will expect payment.
  • Phan Thiet, Bình Thuận Province, Vietnam, GPS: 10.952999,108.257095