ABC News Headquarters

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Sue C
44 month ago
a salary!!! I will miss a few things on ABC but it is worthwhile to stand against wrongdoers.
Sue C
44 month ago
a salary!! I will miss a few things on ABC but it is more important for me to take a stand against wrongdoers but not watching your station or supporting your sponsors.
Sue C
44 month ago
the Presidency, whether you voted for him or not, he should be shown RESPECT! I have always prayed for & respected Presidents that I didn't personally vote for & this one is actually NOT taking
Sue C
44 month ago
would be laughable but the truth is, it is hurting everyone by purposely creating a greater divide between people. Our media should be a positive force in our lives, not tearing us apart. Regarding
Sue C
44 month ago
stories to report, why do I have to go to the internet to see the young white man brutally beaten by a group pf black men for nothing other than hatred? ABC is so one-sided in their reporting that it
Sue C
44 month ago
commentator's personal opinions. All of the correspondents for ABC News need a refresher journalism course on ethics and reporting facts vs opinions. It's also extremely evident of the choice of
Sue C
44 month ago
and not even airing the RNC is unforgivable. (You think game shows are more important than the RNC. I know I am old (over 50) but when I was growing up the news was strictly the news without the
Sue C
44 month ago
I have been a loyal fan of ABC for a very long time but I have made the decision to never watch anything on ABC again. The disparity between the coverage/comments of the DNC this year
Lennie Isabelle U
45 month ago
JOY BEHAR, WOOPIE, SONNY & MEGHAN. Thanks for your valued comments about racist, voldemort D.Trump. I Dream of this maggot, roach, vulture, mobster gone. Joy please get a hair cut look is terrible.
Ellen P
48 month ago
George Stephanopoulos "out and about" is the exact reason why COVID-19 has spread and killed innocent people. A year at home without pay may wake him up to the fact he is not that special.
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